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I find the well that is marked on my map

08310-well-v2-800px.jpg Reddish-pinkish-orange Indian paintbrush decorates the old roadbed here and thereThumbnailsIn this narrow wash, I stumble across some old installations: a waterless cistern and a water tank, probably also dryReddish-pinkish-orange Indian paintbrush decorates the old roadbed here and thereThumbnailsIn this narrow wash, I stumble across some old installations: a waterless cistern and a water tank, probably also dryReddish-pinkish-orange Indian paintbrush decorates the old roadbed here and thereThumbnailsIn this narrow wash, I stumble across some old installations: a waterless cistern and a water tank, probably also dryReddish-pinkish-orange Indian paintbrush decorates the old roadbed here and thereThumbnailsIn this narrow wash, I stumble across some old installations: a waterless cistern and a water tank, probably also dryReddish-pinkish-orange Indian paintbrush decorates the old roadbed here and thereThumbnailsIn this narrow wash, I stumble across some old installations: a waterless cistern and a water tank, probably also dry

Flies floating in the well water cast a brackish appearance on the scene, but the water otherwise looks fairly clear. A few yellow jackets are buzzing around, catching the escaping vapour above.

This water would probably be fine to use if I really needed more, but the intake hose on my water filter isn't quite long enough to reach the water. I chicken out and leave the water for the flies.

The frame of the well appears to be built of old railroad ties.