dryfj.com / drycyclist.com (kevin cook)

08411-kelso-dunes-800px.jpg OK, I guess this is a good place to stop descending Globe Mine Road and start hiking north across the fan toward those hillsThumbnailsThis mistletoe is covered with bright red berriesOK, I guess this is a good place to stop descending Globe Mine Road and start hiking north across the fan toward those hillsThumbnailsThis mistletoe is covered with bright red berriesOK, I guess this is a good place to stop descending Globe Mine Road and start hiking north across the fan toward those hillsThumbnailsThis mistletoe is covered with bright red berriesOK, I guess this is a good place to stop descending Globe Mine Road and start hiking north across the fan toward those hillsThumbnailsThis mistletoe is covered with bright red berriesOK, I guess this is a good place to stop descending Globe Mine Road and start hiking north across the fan toward those hillsThumbnailsThis mistletoe is covered with bright red berries

I'm noticing that it feels a little warmer today than yesterday, but maybe that's just because I'm walking slightly uphill at a decent pace.